Layla Khan Dies From a Blood Clot After Self-Medicating For Period Pain

May 2024 · 2 minute read
Layla Khan

We are deeply saddened to report the untimely death of Layla Khan, a bright and promising 16-year-old college student from Lincolnshire who aspired to study at Oxford University. She tragically died from a blood clot on her brain after self-medicating with a contraceptive pill for severe menstrual pain.

Layla was a beautiful and intelligent young woman who had touched many lives in her short time. She was cherished by her family, friends, and all who knew her. She was the oldest of her siblings, and her parents considered her the most perfect thing that had ever come into their lives.

She had started college this year, where she quickly made many new friends and even found love. Her intelligence and potential were such that her college interviewer had given her hope for admission to Oxford University.

Layla had suffered from long and painful menstrual cycles for most of her life. Friends who had similar problems had suggested that the contraceptive pill might help, so she decided to try it. She began taking the pill on November 25th, and initially, it seemed to provide relief.

However, on December 5th, Layla began experiencing migraines, which persisted throughout the week and were accompanied by vomiting. On December 11th, after being examined by her GP, she was diagnosed with stomach flu. Later that evening, Layla screamed out in agony, and her family rushed her to the hospital.

Tragically, it was discovered that Layla had developed a blood clot in her brain, causing significant swelling. She was pronounced brain dead less than 48 hours later, on December 13th.

In the wake of this devastating loss, Layla’s family made the heartrending decision to donate her organs, saving five other lives before Christmas – a testament to their selflessness during such a difficult time.

Layla’s tragic death underscores the vital importance of seeking professional medical advice before starting any new medication.

As we mourn the loss of this vibrant young woman, our thoughts and deepest condolences go out to Layla’s family and friends. In memory of Layla, her family is raising funds to help with funeral costs and to give her the best possible send-off.

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