Jodha Akbar teasers for November 2021: Laboni's spirit possesses Jodha

May 2024 · 6 minute read

In the Jodha Akbar teasers for November 2021, viewers believe Jodha's sister is dead. Laboni attacks her on the road, steals her identity, and uses it to enter the palace. No one realizes that Leela is missing because Laboni's magic is blindfolding them. Why does Laboni's spirit end up possessing Jodha?

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Laboni's evil powers make Jalal think she is Jodha when he wants to spend intimate moments with her. Shockingly, the emperor also sees her as his sister-in-law, Leela, when she is with other royal family members.

Jodha Akbar teasers for November 2021

Salim assumes Murad is the future king. Hence, he almost kills Murad during a sword fight. The November episodes of Jodha Akbar explain what happens between these princes after Jalal crowns Salim as his successor:

Monday, 1st November 2021

Episode 204

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Queen Jodha informs her husband, Emperor Jalal, that she will become a Muslim. Will she also adopt an Islamic name? Meanwhile, Haidar's uncle makes princes Salim and Murad despise each other.

Tuesday, 2nd November 2021

Episode 205

Rukaiya brainwashes Salim after having a talk with Emperor Jalal and Murad in court. However, Jodha feels Jalal's decision at the meeting will fuel more hatred between his sons.

Wednesday, 3rd November 2021

Episode 206

After Jalal meets with the British soldiers, Hamida convinces the princes to engage in a sword fight. Unfortunately, Salim injures his brother.

Thursday, 4th November 2021

Episode 207

Rukaiya receives a lethal gift meant for her co-wife. The present is from Moin Khan. Later, Hamida fails to persuade Jalal against wagging war on Iran to avenge Moin Khan's murder.

Friday, 5th November 2021

Episode 208

Jodha accepts Hamida's requests to become a Muslim for peace's sake but backs out of the deal last minute.

Saturday, 6th November 2021

Episode 209

Queen Rukaiya burns with anger upon spotting Jodha and her son, Salim, performing prayers together. Meanwhile, the empire learns about Hamida and Jodha's conflict.

Sunday, 7th November 2021

Episode 210

While Mughal and Iran's war begins, Rukaiya damages Jodha and Hamida's relationship more. Meanwhile, Salim reads out the love letter his mum wrote for his dad. Birbal later informs Jodha about Hamida's betrayal.

Monday, 8th November 2021

Episode 211

The people blame Jodha when she confronts Hamida in court. The pressure makes Hamida collapse. Elsewhere, Salim protects Murad on the battlefield.

Tuesday, 9th November 2021

Episode 212

Aram Bano tries to salvage Hamida's health. Meanwhile, the people pressure the queen to convert to Islam mounts, and Jalal tries to befriend King Kurb.

Wednesday, 10th November 2021

Episode 213

Jodha breaks the promise she gave Jalal for Hamida's sake. Meanwhile, Jalal hears a woman's cry in the jungle. Elsewhere, Laboni gives her mother Jalal's blood.

Thursday, 11th November 2021

Episode 214

Jalal gets upset when he discovers Jodha's new religion, but anger does not weaken him. Jalal leads his army back to the palace.

Friday, 12th November 2021

Episode 215

Salim confronts his father for demanding a divorce. Meanwhile, Anarkali professes her love for Salim.

Saturday, 13th November 2021

Episode 216

Jodha and Jalal reconcile before Salim is crowned the throne's heir. Meanwhile, Daamu and Laboni want to trap Jalal through rituals.

Sunday, 14th November 2021

Episode 217

Anarkali and Salim’s romance begins. Elsewhere, Laboni attacks Leela (Jodha's sister) on her way to Arga. Next, she pretends to be Leela and sneaks into Jalal's palace.

Monday, 15th November 2021

Episode 218

Bhagwan requests Jalal to let Salim marry Mann. Everyone is surprised to see "Leela" eating chicken. Later, Laboni uses her evil powers to control Jalal's mind.

Tuesday, 16th November 2021

Episode 219

Laboni adds excess chilies to Jodha's food. Meanwhile, Aram gets into Daamu's room by mistake and takes Jalal's statue. Later, Daamu's magic makes Jalal have an intimate moment with Laboni.

Wednesday, 17th November 2021

Episode 220

Laboni recovers her beads, and Jodha's beauty in an English dress impresses Jalal. The soldiers arrest Tej (one of Pratap's allies) and present him before Jalal.

Thursday, 18th November 2021

Episode 221

Jalal follows Laboni to a lonely place, thinking she is Jodha. Later, Jodha informs Laboni about her arranged marriage to Sangram. Meanwhile, the empire blesses Salim before his battle with Pratap.

Friday, 19th November 2021

Episode 222

Daamu advises Laboni to conceal her face from her fiancé until the next night. Meanwhile, Daamu uses magic to make Sangram see Laboni as Leela.

Saturday, 20th November 2021

Episode 223

Jalal announces the next Meena Bazaar event, where people sell items to raise money for charity. Laboni's magic makes Jalal reprimand his wives (Jodha and Rukaiya) and skip their stalls.

Sunday, 21st November 2021

Episode 224

Salim's mum requests magician Yoginath to help Jalal. He discovers Laboni's secret and gives the queen a sacred thread to neutralize Laboni's magic.

Monday, 22nd November 2021

Episode 225

Jodha comforts Jalal whenever Laboni's spell torments him. Next, Rahim prevents Murad's soldier from killing Salim. Elsewhere, Daamu and Laboni want to destroy Jodha's sacred thread.

Tuesday, 23rd November 2021

Episode 226

Laboni threatens to kill Jalal if Jodha does not leave the palace. Meanwhile, the priest gives magician Yogi a dagger that can destroy Laboni.

Wednesday, 24th November 2021

Episode 227

Jodha and Yogi face Daamu and Laboni in the jungle, and Jodha manages to free Jalal from the evil powers.

Thursday, 25th November 2021

Episode 228

Laboni pretends to be sorry. However, she later sends a spirit to haunt Salim's mother after renewing her marital vows with Jalal.

Friday, 26th November 2021

Episode 229

Everyone worries about Jodha's behavioural changes, unaware that Laboni's spirit has possessed her.

Saturday, 27th November 2021

Episode 230

Salim publicizes his relationship with Anarkali during Rukaiya's birthday. Unfortunately, Jodha ruins the party by supporting their relationship.

Sunday, 28th November 2021

Episode 231

Fazal and Rahim contact Shabab after the demon-possessed Jodha confronts Rukaiya and humiliates herself in front of the British guests. Later, Gul tries to exorcise the spirit from her in vain.

Monday, 29th November 2021

Episode 232

Uday's mantra scares Salims' mum. Therefore, she leaves the palace and heads to the jungle. Before Uday's death, he requests Jalal to protect the queen from Laboni.

Tuesday, 30th November 2021

Episode 233

The helpless Jalal plays with Laboni's mind. Later, Shaguni pretends she is visiting Jodha to help Jalal bring down Laboni.


Salim shields Murad from harm while on the battlefield. However, Murad's soldier attacks Salim instead of focusing on their enemy.


Jalal almost divorces Salim's mother for converting to Islam, but they reconcile later. He later realizes that he mistreated his wives because Laboni put him under a love spell.


Bhagwan wants Jalal to make Salim marry Mann. Later, Salim professes his love for Anarkali (a palace prostitute). Laboni's spirit influences his mum to support them.


Gul is too weak to remove Laboni's spirit from her. Later, Jodha flees to the jungle when Uday begins to perform some mantra.


She destroys the sacred thread Jodha uses to protect Jalal from her magic. Also, Laboni makes Leela's fiancé Sangram think she is Leela.

Where can you watch the breathtaking episodes of Jodha Akbar teasers for November 2021? Please watch Jodha Akbar on Zee World, DStv 166 and GOtv 25. The series airs daily at 20h00.

READ ALSO: Mismatched teasers for November 2021: Why does Ramesh humiliate Aastha?

We also shared the Mismatched teasers for November 2021. Shaurya does not want Shagun to further her studies abroad. Instead, he believes women should raise children and serve their husbands.
