Paul-Henri Nargeolet Earned His Net Worth in Billions as Underwater Research Program Director

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Many people are curious about Paul-Henri Nargeolet’s net worth as one of the foremost Titanic specialists in the world. Paul-Henri Nargeolet, commonly known as “Mr. Titanic” due to his knowledge of the sinking ship is one of the five passengers aboard the lost Titanic submarine that has recently attracted a lot of interest.

Many individuals were interested in finding out Paul-Henri’s actual net worth because of his business interests, both through RMS Titanic and other commercial ventures and because of the wealth of some of the other persons on board this lost submarine.

How Much is Paul-Henri Nargeolet Net Worth?

The actual amount of Paul-Henri’s net worth is unknown, however it is thought to be around $1.5 billion. Paul Henri Nargeolet’s illustrious career as the Director of the Underwater Research Program at Premier Exhibitions, RMS Titanic, Inc., contributed significantly to his large riches.

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Soon after he finished his education, Nargeolet started his career. From September 1964 until April 1986, he spent more than 20 years in the French Navy serving in a variety of positions including Commander, Sub Pilot, EOD, Ship Captain, Clearance Diver and Deep Diver.

Following his time in the Navy, Nargeolet spent nearly ten years, from April 1986 to January 1996, as the Director of DESM, Deep Diving Equipment at IFREMER. After then, he worked as an Executive Director for Aqua+, a division of Canal+, for eight years, up until December 2003.

Between January 2004 and March 2007, Nargeolet additionally spent more than three years working as a consultant. In addition, he had the chance to lead CMURM for a full year between 2015 and 2016.

Currently serving as the RMS Titanic’s research director, Paul-Henri has made significant contributions to the wreck’s understanding.

Paul-Henri spent more than two decades working for the French Navy before beginning work on the Titanic and he had a keen interest in diving even before joining. He worked as a submarine pilot, a deep sea diver and a minesweeper during those 20 years.

Later, he joined IFREMER, a publicly sponsored French research organization, where he worked on the initial Titanic site digs in the late 1980s. About two years after it was first identified in 1987, he made his first dive to the bottom of the Titanic. Paul-Henri said, “It was a pretty unforgettable moment,”

He recently released a book about the Titanic last year. He claimed that up until they arrived at the wreck, the submarine’s crew was chatty.  He said, “For the next 10 minutes there wasn’t a sound in the submarine.”

Our thoughts and prayers are with Paul-Henri Nargeolet family. if you want to get the latest updates related to the net worth of other celebrities you can follow our Twitter account.
